Central Theatre Presents "Fiddler on the Roof" March 20th, 21st & 22nd at 7:00PM and March 22nd at 1:00PM

Share the Keys presentation is March 24th at 7:00PM in the WMC Auditorium

Sporting Event Ticket Link Click Here: https://gofan.co/app/school/NJ20383

Principal Rymer's February Newsletter: https://wmrhsd.info/newsletterfeb2025

Student Parking information and application Click Here: https://5il.co/20ya1

West Morris Regional HS District Bond Referendum: https://referendum.wmrhsd.org

Pomptonian, our food service provider, would like to share information that addresses the needs of students with food allergies. This document includes an Allergy Statement Letter to Parents, Why Pre-Order, and the Allergy-Aware menus. These documents may be found in the file under Menu/Communications/August 2023