Sports Physicals
The school doctor is available every other week throughout the school year for sports physicals and working papers.
Anyone who plans on doing summer weight lifting or a fall sport must have a new physical.
See the school nurse to schedule an appointment with the school doctor.
Physical exams are good for one year from the date of the physical. Permission forms are required for every season, every sport and every athlete. If the date of the physical is more than 60 days before the start of the season, an update form is needed.
Please call the Health Office at extension 3495 with any questions.
The NJSIAA requires standard forms, which can be obtained in the nurse's office or downloaded from the resources pane to the right.
The NJSIAA requires a standard health history form and physical form, which can be obtained from the main office or the nurse's office or downloaded from the resources pane on the right.