Fueled by community spirit and inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s call to service, the West Morris Regional High School District embarked on a heartwarming winter drive earlier this month. The drive garnered generous donations of cozy essentials like moisturizing lotion, hair brushes, tissues, chapstick, hot cereal, hot cocoa, herbal tea, and honey. Students, staff, and families from both high schools and the district office joined hands to make this initiative a success.

On January 15th, a dedicated team of staff, faculty, and administrators gathered to transform the collected donations into over 70 winter care kits. These kits, brimming with practical comfort, were delivered directly to the Chester Mendham Food Pantry, fulfilling their specific request. Notably, several items included were not eligible for SNAP benefits, making them an even more impactful gesture of care during the chilly winter months. The drive's generosity went beyond the kits, with a larger donation of tissues, chapstick, hot cocoa, tea, and hot cereal warming the shelves of the Long Valley Food Pantry as well.

The MLK National Day of Service, the only federal holiday designated for citizen action and volunteerism, was first championed by Atlanta Congressman and civil rights icon John Lewis, who co-authored the King Holiday and Service Act. Since 1994, AmeriCorps has coordinated this national day of service, and West Morris proudly embraced its spirit.